The following classes are available globally.
Represents the permissions on a file
See moreDeclaration
public class FilePermissions : CustomStringConvertible
This optional key is used to specify Mach services to be registered with the Mach bootstrap namespace.
Each key in this dictionary should be the name of a service to be advertised. The value of the key must be a boolean and set to true or a dictionary in order for the service to be advertised.
See moreDeclaration
public class MachService : Codable
Resource limits to be imposed on the job. These adjust variables set with setrlimit(2).
See moreDeclaration
public class ResourceLimits : Codable
This optional key causes the job to be started every calendar interval as specified.
Missing arguments are considered to be wildcard. The semantics are similar to crontab(5) in how firing dates are specified. Multiple dictionaries may be specified in an array to schedule multiple calendar intervals.
Unlike cron which skips job invocations when the computer is asleep, launchd will start the job the next time the computer wakes up. If multiple intervals transpire before the computer is woken, those events will be coalesced into one event upon wake from sleep.
StartInterval and StartCalendarInterval are not aware of each other. They are evaluated completely independently by the system.Declaration
public class StartCalendarInterval : Codable
The presence of this key specifies that the daemon expects to be run as if it were launched from inetd.
For new projects, this key should be avoided.Declaration
public class inetdCompatibility : Codable
The primary class used to control a Launch Agent
For detailed information on agents see
See moreDeclaration
public class LaunchAgent : Codable
Control agents and daemons.
See moreDeclaration
public class LaunchControl